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The most fundamental concept to grasp is that the elixir is the main player in the salve, and the effect of elixirs is enhanced by agitation!

  • So the more you rub or massage the salve, the greater effect!

Next isue to understand, is that elixirs are transmitting or radiating energy! Much like magnetism or light. So using the method to be described next , can get great results using very little salve! It´s based on the use of symmetry and patterns!

An example:

Apply small dots of salve around the head, six of them around the head is convenient , starting with one in the neck, at the base of the skull, two behind the ears, two in the temple-area and one in the fore-head, as shown below! The more precise placing, the better effect It´s a full circle, divided into 60-degree-segments!

You can take this further, using the dot in the forehead and those at the temples as parts of another pattern with one dot on the nose as center, adding two more on the jaw-bones and closing with one dot wich is placed just under the jaw, on the top of the throat! This is very useful for colds, infections, allergies and any kind of problem with the head-area! Or if you want to stimulate the head(brain)!

If you want to deepen the effect even further, say for a cold that starts to get to the throat-area, you can add two more dots on the sides of the throat, below the back of the ears, and one dot finally at the end of the neck.

Whenever I feel the onset of a cold, I do all this, mostly using IAnti-Infection then I take a litlle salve on the tips of all fingers , grab my massager and hold it , letting the finger-tips get as much massage as I can, extending it to the whole hands, untill they are throbbing. This usually ends all colds at once!

If you don´t have any massager, you can apply salve to your fingers and just rub your hands together for a while, or even better; place the hands between your knees, and use the knees to apply a bit of preassure on the hands as you rub them together.

The same treatments as above, but using Antioxidant ,can be used as a great tonic and stimulant!

Don´t do this close to bedtime! Not with any of these salves, until you know how you react to them! As they enhance and regulate your bodys uptake and utilation of nutrition, you may experience some unexpected effects, like deeper sleep, shorter sleep, eating less, losing your craving for certain foods, and much more may or may not happen! There is no way of knowing, how any one will react, initially. So, take it very slow and easy in the beginning, and get to know how you react and how to best use them!

There are other ways of activating the salves, like go sitting in ley-lines and other earth-energy lines, or sit in a pyramid, if you happen to have acces to one. Any kind of meditation or relaxation, after having applied and activated the salve, is of benefit, and also deepens the meditation.

Crystals and crystal-wands can be used as amplifiers, pointed and moved in patterns over the salve-dots, and the "domus"-pattern(a lying down 8)is probably the best!

Another important concept to grasp is that the salves have an effect inside the body as well. So when you use any of the symmetrical applications suggested, there will be an effect inside the pattern, even if that happens to be inside the body, and the strongest effect will be in the mid-point area where all vibrational energy meet. This makes it possible to very actively treat internal organs and tissue! It´s useful to visualize the dots of salve as centers radiating light or energy, because thats how the elixir works.

So you have for instance a raw wound, or an area hurting to much to touch, put some Superheal in a pattern around it, where you can safely apply it! Or put it on a bandage! Use your imagination and creativity, as you get to see the possibilities in these salves!


  • Symmetrically applied dots of salve can be used in many different ways and should be used wherever it´s possible!

  • Using a massager or vigourus rubbing on the applied salve will always heighten its effect!

  • The salve-jars have an effect by being close to the body, and you can carry several of the small ones(5ml) in you pockets at work, as just one example.

  • Even in your sleep can the jars work for you, by beeing under the pillow, or under the mattress, and beeing in patterns is even better.

  • The salves can be used in crystall-healings, both applied to the skin and/or in the jars.

  • If you are uncertain where to apply the salve, it can always be massaged into the palms, the ears or the feet. Those are centers of meridian-points that reach all areas of the body.

  • Using salve in patterns, where needed, and then go into a jacuzzi bath, making shure that some or most of the salve-dots are in the water, is a very effective and enjoyable method to use.

  • The salves can be used in massage-sessions as well, mixed into the oils that are used, in zone-therapy, aromatherapy and other treatments. Just remember that the effect of the treatment tend to be much stronger, so shorten the sessions about 50%!

  • If you are using any kind of medication in conjuction with these salves, please be aware of the fact that the salves may enhance the absorption of the drug, making a lower dose possible or even neccesary! Check with your doctor, if unshure. This also applies, in a positive way, to any kind of nutritional supplement you use.

  • Keep the salves away from televisions, monitors, microwave ovens and magnetic fields. Store them in a cool and dry space. Under a pyramid is optimal.

  • Using visualization techniques and/or affirmations helps to empower what you wish to accomplish. See, feel, and imagine the elixir at work. Visualize the color and shape of the gem.

  • Most importantly, always listen to your inner voice for guidance, as in dreams. Keep an open mind and don't limit yourself to the uses listed here and in books.

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